Can You Put Soil In A Skip?

Can You Put Soil In A Skip?

Disposing Of Soil Waste In A Skip

Skips are a great option if you are looking to dispose of soil. Many customers will use skips for outdoor projects and garden waste. Depending on the size of your project, you can hire either a small domestic skip such as the 2-6 cubic yards, or a larger skip for commercial work. Skip hire companies such as ourselves provide containers for both mixed and segregated waste types, meaning you can hire a skip to suit your requirements. 

What Waste Can I Put In A Skip?

Garden waste skip hire may contain grass, trees, weeds, rubble, furniture and of course soil. However, if you have requested a skip specifically for one waste type, you should not mix materials. They may be disposed of differently to general waste.

You can also hire skips for commercial and household waste including cardboard, plastic, metal, wood, and building waste; just about anything! This makes skips perfect for assisting you with your projects, helping create a smooth process for your clearances, refurbishments and tweaks!

What Are The Rules Surrounding Soil In Skips?

If the soil is contaminated with hazardous materials, then this cannot mix with the general garden waste placed in the skip. This may include paints, medical waste, oil and solvents. You must make sure soil is not put into the skip if the lot of waste has mixed with any hazardous items

The Benefits Of Hiring A Skip For Your Soil Waste

Hiring a skip for your soil means that the waste will be disposed of safely and efficiently. At Bailey’s Skip Hire we dispose of all our waste using environmentally-friendly processes, meaning you can have peace of mind that your waste is collected and disposed of sustainably. No matter how much soil you are looking to get rid of, we can provide the right solution for you. 

Hiring A Skip For Your Garden Waste

Skips offer a great solution to handling garden waste whilst undertaking any sized project. With Bailey’s Skip Hire, you can choose from a range of skip sizes to dispose of your bulk of waste. Our skip hire services have been used by a range of customers across the Northamptonshire area, including businesses looking to dispose of and recycle commercial waste.

Our team can even obtain a permit for you from your local council, and have your container placed for 7 days. If the skip needs to be placed for longer, then the rental additional costs can be charged extra.

We Supply Recycled Aggregates

Recycled aggregates are produced by utilising left-overs from construction materials. These include asphalt, gravel, sand and crushed stone. They can then be used for a range of construction needs including concrete. Bailey’s Skip Hire and Recycling uses 6f2, an unbound, coarse recycled aggregate. We offer a delivery service for the local area – a 20 mile radius around Corby.


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